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But Jam Master Jay is dead though. And i kinda had a feeling your joke was coming :P Guess i was too late to use it.

5024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reboot? DMC is fine the way it is...well except DMC 4 that was complete garbage. They just have to retcon sum removing Nero. But i doubt that'll happen.

Though the gameplay does need sum new stuff though. After Bayonetta...i have no idea what they'll come up with.

Edit: J-Killer15: The story is cohesive. It just has alot of plotholes. I don't want DMC to have a drastic, at least gameplay wise, reboot like RE 4&5.

5024d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love for Platinum Games and Hideki Kamiya to return and Direct the DMC series once again. But Kamiya has stated time and time again that he no longer has any interest in DMC. Let's just see what Ninja Theory has in store for us before we judge them too hastily.

5024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great post Axecution! Couldn't have said it better myself. Enslave looks like a fantastic game and its a shame graphic whores are gonna miss out on one of Ninja Theory's great games.

5024d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

OMG! It must be DMC 5. I'm fine with Ninja Theory, since Capcom don't know what the hell to do with the DMC series anymore after the crapfest that was DMC 4. Though i do want Capcom to be in charge of the gameplay, but still, after playing Bayonetta they have a big hurdle to overcome to match Bayo's great gameplay.

But hopefully Ninja Theory will give the DMC story more depth to the characters. Cause DMC 4 was really Final Fantasy with a pinch of Twilight in it. ...

5024d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

One of them better be DMC 5. I rather not have yet another damn RE game. I hope they unveil RE 6 for next year or sumthing. The industry is too flooded with RE games. At least there's that cool looking RE game for the Nintendo 3DS.

If not DMC 5 then either a new Dino Crisis (with Regina this time) or a new Strider game, or Megaman Legends 3.

5025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess reading comprehension is foreign to you as well. About the foreplay thing with men i was being sarcastic a lil, obviously you didn't get that.

The box in MGS serves its purpose for Snake. Sex mini game for GOW serves no purpose only to make Kratos look like a sex fiend and to make the aforementioned 13 yr old boys to giggle and say "Woah BEWBS!". I guess the Mature rating equals to adults having gratuitous sex and women acting like sex objects for the ma...

5025d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Couldn't agree with you more. Though it does kinda make sense a lil that her clothes would show sum wear and tear, but she should be dead if she's taking that much damage in what that pic shows of her. Its a lil excessive that she's practically walking around with her bra and underwear with blood all over her.

5026d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Anorexorcist: WTH is up with you and bringing gender into this?

You're making yourself look like a fool seriously. Stay on topic. And stop being sexist.

@darkdoom3000: I guess. But to have it in every single GOW game. The first sex minigame in GOW 1 was fine. But it just gets repetitive. And i think GOW is trying to be serious. Maybe not shakespearian serious, but serious enough that it has a deeper plot then say Bayonetta. I guess sum people wouldn...

5026d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

There's good in Game-Based movies?

If so, where's the good movie based on a game? Cause i definitely don't see it on that list.

Also they needed to include the King of Fighters movie.

5026d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jeez, don't go into a temper tantrum ok. Calm down.

And i got news for you, sex isn't the only thing that sells. Yeah, big shocker there.

If no one focuses on sex when they buy GOW then why is this article doing here and why are there so many replies to it? And why is there a pic of a Aphrodite's boobs? Yeah...i'm seeing GOW's great gameplay and their contributions to the story right from this article *facepalm*

I never sa...

5026d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

What's so funny about a sex minigame?

I doubt anyone is laughing from the kind of comments i'm reading.

I"m sure everyone rather see the act then rather teasingly be implied in the game. GOW is rated mature, and Heavy Rain did have a sex scene that didn't use a Cherub peeing (GOW 2 or 1 sex minigame or sumthing) to imply they are having sex.

I guess normal paragraphs are foreign to you. I guess this is the kinda reply i get f...

5026d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

GOW should maybe consider growing up. If they are going to try and be mature, don't treat the sex as something naughty or whatever, actually show it, Right now they seem like 13 year old boys giggling while they look at a playboy they found under their older brother's bed. The sex minigame maybe made sense in the first game to establish Kratos as a "man" (since real men don't do foreplay and know that sex involves using the right button combinations at the right time), b...

5026d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Unfortunately the US version of Basara 3 will only contain the English voice acting. Reason is Capcom wanted to keep bot the Wii version and PS3 version equal. And with the Wii's limited disc space, they decided not to include the Japanese voice acting at all in both versions.

It really sucks though. I highly prefer the Japanese VA then the US. Since ya know...this game takes place in ancient Japan and Japanese voices would make sense. But Capcom is stupid that way.

5032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea i have the PS3 version as well (since the PS3 is the only console that i own). I haven't really played the Xbox 360 version or seen it in person. But i heard alot of people say it plays more smoothly, and with Digital Foundry and Lens of Truth saying the exact same thing, i believe them.

Oh well, i still like playing the game. But it still makes me wish it was up to par with the Xbox 360 version.

But then again, everytime i play Bayonetta it just make...

5032d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Believe it or not, the show was called Dinosaurs

It used to be on ABC way back when Family Matters was on (the show with the nerd Steve Urkel).

5032d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope this game has more replay value then Heavenly Sword. But i really do hope this is a sleeper hit for Ninja Theory.

5032d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm still awaiting video of Dante's Level 3 super attack...

5032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL that would be cool. But maybe Kojima's game is Zone of the Enders 3 or a new Snatcher game (which i doubt).

I really do hope DMC 5 has a trailer at least. Or a teaser trailer or whatever.

I'm surprised Capcom hasn't put sum stupid countdown website or Famitsu hasn't announced a special "surprise" for their upcoming issue.

5032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should really take their time with RE 6. RE 5 wasn't that great, didn't even feel like an RE game to me. Too much action based not enough puzzle or saving ammo. Besides, there's already a new RE for the Nintendo 3DS. They really need to leave the RE franchise on hiatus for awhile. Its too much too soon.

Rumor of Ninja Theory being the developers of DMC 5 is looking legit by the second. This can be good and bad at the same time. DMC 5 might have a more engagi...

5036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment